Anna-Dayne Arca « HITS HISTORY

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The hip hop is dead.

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Our first Hitz of the Weekend finds HUFFpost reporter Maureen O’Connor going behind the scenes with singer-songwriter Anna-Dayne Arca.

Arca makes electronic music and it’s deeply immersive. Sitting in a workroom at digital production studio Compass, Arca puts on headphones and pricks her finger into a puzzle of lines and shapes that she will later record through custom software. The music drops into a dizzying pool of color, pulse and electronic patterns as she peels back the layers.

Arca has been lauded as “digital music’s animator.” She says what she does has no relation to the music industry of the past. “I’m trying to create something new, so we do not work within a system,” she says. “We do not follow the rules.”

Music pioneer Nina Simone, who died in 2003, wrote that “there are no more blues to be made.” They died because they made too much music. Arca is currently curating a music playlist at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Buenos Aires to be released in July, her first solo project.

Listen to the full interview on our podcast, HITS 1.0,, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts and Google Play.

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